Additional Readings
- Aboutaieb R, Rabii R, Elmoussaoui A, Joual A, Sarf I, Elmrini M, Benjelloun S. Urolithiasis and the pelvic kidney. Therapeutic aspects. J Urol (Paris) 1996, 102:5-6:229-232.
- Ahn J, Trost DW, Topham SL, Sos TA. Retained nephrostomy thread providing a nidus for atypical renal calcification. Brit J Rad 1997, 70, 309-310.
- Alconcher LF, Castro C, Quintana D, Abt N, Moran L, Gonzalez L, Cella M, Torelli M. Urinary calcium excretion in healthy school children. Pediatr Nephrol 1997, 11:2:186-188.
- Asplin JR, Bushinsky DA, Singharetnam W, Riordon D, Parks JH, Coe FL. Relationship between supersaturation and crystal inhibition in hypercalciuric rats. Kidney Int 1997, 51:3:640-645.
- Bierkens AF, Hendrikx AJM, Eldin KE, Delarosette JJMCH, Horrevorts A, Doesburg W, Debruyne FMJ. The value of antibiotic prophylaxis during extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the prevention of urinary tract infections in patients with urine proven sterile prior to treatment. Eur Urol 1997, 31: 1: 30-35.
- Bonucchi D, Ballestri M, Bettelli F, Baraldi A, Gola M, Lucchi L, Lusvarghi E. Influence of urinary calcium concentration on erythrocyte morphology. Nephron 1996, 74:4:661-667.
- Buno Soto A, Torres-Jim'enez R, Garc'ia-PuigJ, Mateos-Ant'on F. Huperoxaluria and renal lithiasis. Arch Esp Urol 1996, 49:7: 707-726.
- Clark JY, Kearse WS. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for kidney stone on surgical clip. J Endourol 1997, 11:2:119-120.
- Cupisti A, Morelli E, Meola M, Cozza V, Parrucci M, Barsotti G. Hypertension in kidney stone patients. Nephron 1996, 73:4:569-572.
- Deliveliotis C, Giannakipoulos S, Louras G, Koutsokalis G, Alivizatos G, Kostakopoulos A. Double-pigtail stents for distal ureteral calculi: An alternative form of definitive treatment. Urol Int 1996, 57:4:224-226.
- Eriksson P, Denneberg T, Lundstrom I, Skogh T, Tiselius HG. Autoantibodies and primary Sjogren's syndrome in a hypocitraturic stone population. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1997, 31:1:73-80.
- Flam T, saighi D, Legagneyx F, Ounnonghene Z, Duboc D, Thiounn N, Bourlion M, Zaerbib M, Debre B. A prospective study of non-EKG gated electroconductive lithotripsy: Holter monitoring during an alternance of periods with and without R-wave triggering. J Urol (Paris) 1996, 102:5-6:195-198.
- Gasman D, Avvou CC. Renal Colic. Ann Urol (Paris) 1996, 30:6-7: 276-277.
- Goel MC, Ahlawat R, Kumar M, Kapoor R. Chronic renal failure and nephrolithiasis in a solitary kidney: Role of intervention. J Urol 1997, 157:5:1574-1577.
- Gogusev J, Duchambon P, Hory B, Giovannini M, Goureau Y, Sarfati E, Drueke TB. Depressed expression of calcium receptor in parathyroid gland tissue of patients with hyperparathyroidism. Kidney Int 1997, 51:1:328-336.
- Grases F, Garciaferragut l, Costabauzza A, March JG. Study of the effects of different substances on the early stages of papillary stone formation. Nephron 1996, 73:4:561-568.
- Houillier P, Normand M, Froissart M, Blanchard A, Jungers P, Paillard M. Calciuric response to an acute acid load in healthy subjects and hypercalciuric calcium stone formers. Kidney Int 1996, 50:3:987-997.
- Ikeda R, Suzuki K, Tsugawa R. Damage attributable to extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and deposition of calcium oxalate crystals on ureteral stents. J Endourol 1997, 11:2: 113-118.
- Issa MM, Pruthi RS, Menamara DE. New technique of ureteral stent placement for impacted ureteral calculus: The glidewire loop technique. Urology 1997, 49:4:614-617.
- Joual A, Fekak H, Rabii R, Elmoussasoui A, Benjelloun S. Complications of renal stones. Ann Urol (Paris) 1996, 30: 5: 251-256.
- Kemper MJ, Mullerwiefel DE. Nephrocalcinosis in a patient with primary hyperoxaluria type 2-Reply. Pediatr Nephrol 1997, 11:2:266.
- Mcdougall EM. Endourology-Editorial. J Urol 1996, 156:3:1114-1115.
- Mirandacarus E, Mateos FA, Sanz AG, Herrero E, Ramos T, Puig JG. Purine metabolism in patients with gout: The role of lead. Nephron 1997, 75:3:327-335.
- Mokulis JA, Peretsman SJ. Retrograde percutaneous nephrolithotomy using the Lawson technique for management of complex nephrolithiasis. J Endourol 1997, 11:2:125-130.
- Montserrat-Orri V, Torrent-Quer N, Ordis-Dalmau M, 'Alverez-'Alvarez JL, Raul-Amarilla C. Treatment of ureteral lithiasis with the Lithoclast: Our experience. Arch Esp Urol 1996, 49:7: 751-754.
- Osorio A, Seidel FG, Warady BA. Hypercalcemia and pancreatitiis in children with adynamic bone disease. Pediatr Nephrol 1997, 11:2:223-225.
- Parks JH, Coward M, Coe FL. Correspondence between stone composition and urine supersaturation in nephrolithiasis. Kidney Int 1997, 51:3:894-900.
- Parvey HR, Cochran ST, Payan J, Goldman S, Sandler CM: Renocolic fistulas: Complementary roles of computed tomography and direct pyelography. Abdom Imaging 1997, 22: 1:96-99.
- Pereira-Arias JG, Catalina AJ, Gallego-S'anchez JA, Gurtibay-Arriete I, Prieto-Ugidos N, Astobieta-Odriozola A, Bemuy-Malfaz C. Multiple giant ureteral calculi. Arch Esp Urol 1996, 49:9: 984-985.
- Pronicka E, Rowinska E, Kulezycka H, Lukaszkiewicz J, Lorene R, Janas R. Persistent hypercalciuria and elevated 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 in children with infantile hypercalcaemia. Nephrol 1997, 11:1:2-6.
- Rodrigo-Aliaga MA, Morera-Mart'inez J, L'opez-Alcina E, Broseta-Rico E, Oliver-Amoros F, Boronat-Toormo F, S'anchez-Plumed J, Jim'enez-Cruz JF. Calculus in transplanted kidney: Therapeutic possibilities. Arch Esp Urol 1996, 49:10: 1063-1070.
- Segura JW. Complete staghorn calculi: Random prospective comparison between extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy monotherapy and combined with percutaneous nephrostolithotomy-Editorial comment. J Urol 1997, 157:3:786.
- Sharma S, Sankaran RT, Shan ZH, Gibbons N, Singhal PC. Escherichia coli macrophage interactions modulate mesangial cell proliferation and matrix synthesis. Nephron 1996, 73:4:587-596.
- Soderhall M, Bergerheim US, Jacobson SH, Lundahl J, Mollby R, Normark S, Winberg. Molecular evidence for pap-G specific adhesion of Escherichia coli to human renal cells. J Urol 1997, 157:1:346-350.
- Sonmez F, Mir S, Cura A. Nephrocalcinosis in a patient with primary hyperoxaluria type 2. Pediatr Nephrol 1997, 11:2:265-266.
- Sweid HA, Bagga A, Vaswani M, Vasudev V, Ahuja RK, Srivastava RN. Urinary excretion of minerals, oxalate, and uric acid in north Indian children. Pediatr Nephrol 1997, 11:2:189-192.
- Thamilselvan S, Hackett RL, Khan SR. Lipid peroxidation in ethylene glycol induced hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. J Urol 1997, 157:3:1059-1063.
- Unwin R, Wrong O, Cohen E, Tanner M, Thakker R. Unraveling of the molecular mechanisms of kidney stones-Report of a meeting of physicians and scientists, University College London Medical School, London. Lancet 1996, 348:9041:1561-1565.
- Vuksanovic A, Micic S, Petronic V, Bojanic N. Solitary kidney stone treatment by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. N Eur Urol 1997, 31: 3: 305-310.
- Wolff JM, Boeckmann W, Mattelaer P, Kramer U, Jakse G. Early detection of infected ureteral obstruction after SWL employing C-reactive protein. J Endourol 1996,10:6:523-526.
- Yamate T, Kohri K, Umekawa T, Amasaki N, Isikawa Y, Iguchi M, Kurita T. The effect o of osteopontin on the adhesion of calcium oxalate crystals to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Eur Urol 1996, 30:3:388-393.